Project Spotlight
MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital
Charleston, South Carolina
Project Summary
The MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital and the Pearl Tourville Women’s Pavilion state-of-the-art design transforms how care is delivered to children and women in the Lowcountry and seamlessly integrates children’s care with obstetrical services. The stylish new facility has transformed Charleston’s skyline, and we’re honored to have played a small part in seeing this landmark medical facility come to life.
What We Did
(1) 6-story trash chute, (1) 6-story linen chute, (1) 12-story trash chute and (1) 12-story linen chute, all 24″ in diameter, with the following features: Electrical interlocking doors with master control panel, heat and smoke detectors, disinfecting and sanitizing unit with electric control valve for operation from the primary trash room, and a magnetic hold-open on the discharge door tied to the master control panel, ADA compliant lever handles with integral keyed locks, sound dampening coating with vibration isolation pads, rubber door baffles for assistance with odor control (trash chute only), all chutes are fabricated in 430 stainless steel.